3 key elements of the manufacturing ERP evaluation process [Video]

Hello and welcome to another Accent Software video blog.

Of all the phases that constitute the manufacturing ERP implementation process, the solution evaluation stage is perhaps the most important. Here, the implementation team must look into potential systems to see which one will bolster performance on the shop floor and generate R-O-I. These are the essential elements of this important activity:

One: Define overarching project goals. This involves figuring out which system key performance indicators demonstrate evidence of success. 

Two: Draft a system requirements list. During this step, the implementation team should decide what specific ERP components support the primary project goals and associated K-P-Is.

Three: Connect with vendors. After formulating a requirements list, the implementation team should meet with vendors and decide which one offers the ideal ERP platform.

By performing these three steps, manufacturers can find and install impactful ERP software that leads to real gains. 

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