Automation with business accounting systems

Keeping solid financial records is important for any type of enterprise. Accounting, while important, can involve a lot of administrative tasks that add no product value but take up a great deal of time and energy. Allan Smith of The Huffington Post noted that as a company grows, it's important to establish a solid foundation for its accounting functions. 

Non-value added work
Chen Amit wrote in IT Pro Portal that 72 percent of accounts payable professionals spend over five hours a week on non-value added tasks such as setting up payees, approving payments, issuing payments and working on reconciliation of missing or inaccurate payments. One of the most challenging aspects of cost accounting is charging every task accurately. If work is not charged correctly, it can cause headaches, inaccurate records and additional work. It can even strain partner relationships. Employees may have to search through stacks of invoices or purchase orders in order to rectify a discrepancy. 

ERP for accounting
This is why enterprise resource planning software is so important for a growing business: it automates these tasks, which keeps financial records accurate and saves time. Manufacturing accounting software automates the invoicing process, ensuring records are transparent, searchable and easy to track. The ERP system processes invoice and purchase orders automatically, dramatically slashing the possibility of human error. By using the right cost accounting software, your records will be accurate and it will be easy to extract any information you need. 

At Accent Software, we work with growing manufacturers to implement Microsoft business software, helping them automate tasks, reduce costs and achieve a competitive advantage. If your legacy software isn't cutting it and you want to take your performance to the next level, contact us to see how a sophisticated ERP program like Microsoft Dynamics NAV can make a difference.