Purdue Cal demonstrates importance of Indiana manufacturing

Purdue University Calumet hosted top manufacturing officials on Tuesday of this week, explaining to them how the school is teaching the next generation of industry workers. According to a Northwest Indiana Business article, Indiana Manufacturers Association President and CEO Patrick Kiely and VP of Marketing and Member Services Brian Burton saw firsthand what Purdue uses for training.

"Obviously in Northwest Indiana, manufacturing has great importance," Celina Weatherwax, Purdue Cal director of government, corporation and foundation relations told the news source. "Purdue Cal wanted to showcase some of the work it's doing throughout the region."

The university showed officials a 3-D rendering of a blast furnace's inner workings and explained how it has been ensuring that students have a chance to learn the intricacies of a variety of manufacturing jobs, including but not limited to architectural draftsmen, welders and machinists.

Kiely told the news source that he was impressed by the facilities. The news source explained that BP and Tri-State Industries are just two companies that have donated equipment to the school. Additionally, Purdue Cal has access to brand new CNC lathes and other innovative machines, ensuring that students can train on the latest techniques. 

Kiely added that Indiana is still the largest manufacturing state in the nation, even estimating that it directly and indirectly accounts for as much as half of the state's employment.

While more individuals are being trained on the latest manufacturing innovations, companies must ensure that they are also equipped with the most up-to-date technology. Having comprehensive business management software, such as an inventory management system, can help organizations keep pace with an evolving industry.