There are some tried-and-true best practices for simplifying the cloud ERP implementation process.

3 strategies for moving manufacturing ERPs to the cloud

Commercial cloud computing services have transformed from enterprise information technology oddities into operational essentials. Approximately 94% of organizations worldwide leverage these tools, per research from Flexera. This widespread embrace of the cloud has translated into the enterprise resource planning arena, as well, according to analysts for Panorama Consulting Solutions, who revealed that 45% of the businesses that adopted new ERP platforms in 2018 opted for cloud-based iterations. This ERP implementation approach offers obvious benefits, but transitioning from an on-premise solution to something hosted in the cloud can be a daunting task, particularly for manufacturing organizations that relish the comfort that comes with having mission-critical hardware, software and information kept in a server room. However, there are some tried-and-true best practices for simplifying this process.

Here are three of those strategies:

1. Prepare employees for success
Cloud ERP implementation is not something that unfolds within only the IT department — this change affects everyone within the organization, from executives to shop floor stakeholders. For this reason, it is essential that manufacturers set themselves up for adoption success by greasing the skids, so to speak, through internal outreach and communication, according to InformationWeek. This approach can prepare on-the-ground users for the process change to come, reassure middle managers nervous over large-scale change and comfort C-suite leaders concerned with big-picture issues like data security.

2. Plan ahead for roadblocks
Seasoned IT professionals understand that ERP implementation projects often take longer than expected. In fact, 58% of the companies that implemented ERP solutions in 2018 experienced time overruns, Panorama found. However, these slowdowns are far more likely during cloud ERP implementation, where virtually everyone involved is grappling with totally new technology. Manufacturing firms should therefore focus on developing realistic timelines that take into account at least one or two process delays. Building these issues into the original implementation plan is far superior to flying past deadlines.

3. Carefully evaluate all ERP options
There are numerous cloud-based ERP solutions on the marketplace. While this means manufacturers have a larger selection from which to choose, it also makes platform selection missteps more likely. This is a surprisingly common issue, as 8% of the businesses that adopted ERPs in 2018 attested to being dissatisfied or very dissatisfied with their vendors, while another quarter were neutral about their ERP partners. To avoid this kind of situation and select cloud providers that deliver returns on investment and meet expectations, manufacturers must take their time when developing their selection criteria and assessing potential vendors.

Is your manufacturing firm ready to embrace cloud ERP technology? Consider connecting with Accent Software today. As a certified Microsoft Business Solutions partner, we provide vendor-vetted Microsoft Dynamics NAV implementation services, giving manufacturers of all sizes the opportunity to adopt a quality cloud-based ERP solution designed to facilitate operational growth via cutting-edge platform features.

Contact us today to learn more about our proven products and services.