Giving small businesses an edge

Small to medium enterprises are often competing with larger organizations with greater resources. That doesn't mean they can't level the playing field using business management software. Shannon Williams of Biz Edge credited enterprise resource planning software for giving SMBs a competitive edge over their larger rivals. 

Improve scalability
Adapting to growth is a challenge for any enterprise, but it's especially critical for small businesses. With an ERP system, a growing business can integrate data, saving time and money. This makes it easier to ramp up efforts as an SMB takes on more clients. A cloud-based ERP in particular helps growing companies be more agile, because their data is no longer tied down to in-house hardware.

Integrate with CRM
As ERP centralizes data for all departments, it's made to integrate with customer relationship management platforms. This provides full visibility into customer behavior, allows teams to serve customers better and retain them. 

Provide automation
On a small team, each member has to wear many hats, performing a wide range of tasks to get the job done. An ERP system helps establish automated tasks, so team members can focus on their core responsibilities. Meanwhile, the automated tasks are carried out efficiently and without the chance of human error. 

Optimize workflow
Small businesses have to run leaner than their larger competitors, and ERP helps them do that. By putting workflow best practices in place, automating time-consuming tasks and eliminating waste, ERP software helps small businesses make the most out of their resources. 

Accent Software's team has been helping small businesses implement Microsoft Dynamics NAV for over 15 years. Contact us to learn more about this software, and the many ways your team will be thankful for it.