How cloud computing and ERP systems can work together

Business management software is an important aspect to many industries, and the manufacturing sector is no different. As technology becomes more of a necessity to many firms, they want to be assured that as they start to use data on a regular basis, the information remains secure and only authorized users have access to it. 

A more recent option with ERP technology is to integrate it with cloud computing. A contribution blog piece for CloudTweaks explained that manufacturers often have concerns about moving to the cloud, but when a secure and reliable system can be found, businesses can stay organized and current with evolving technologies.

The news source cited research that by 2010, just 5 percent of manufacturing companies were using cloud ERP. Even so, CloudTweaks explained that other industries—such as retail and wholesale—have adopted the cloud.  

Additionally, as IDC Insights found that 25 percent of small businesses are implementing cloud ERP and another 20 percent are considering a move to the cloud, manufacturing could also reap benefits from the option.

"Cloud ERP also offers the flexibility that many manufacturers need, allowing sales reps to access real-time information globally and employees on the manufacturing floor to keep track of data with tablets," explained a contribution blog piece for CloudTweaks. "It offers the potential to coordinate just about every aspect of a manufacturing environment so that different departments can work together more seamlessly and effortlessly."

Partnering with an Indiana business management software systems provider can help companies find the best business management software to meet their needs. The right software solutions could vary from one company to the next, but finding the ideal solution can help any business keep ahead of the competition.