Postmodern ERP and what it means for your business

Since Gartner first coined the term "enterprise resource planning" in 1990, the technology has evolved to offer more robust services with increasing degrees of flexibility. Originally, only large enterprises used ERP software, but over time the market for SMB ERP has grown, where now small businesses can enjoy a modular suite of business management software tools. This is know as postmodern ERP. 

The next generation
Sam Pudwell of IT Pro Portal referred to postmodern ERP as a strategy that features "implementing a mixture of cloud and on-premise applications that are better able to meet an organization's needs while still providing them a greater degree of agility and flexibility." In other words, this is next generation of ERP solutions.

Legacy systems
If you're still relying on a legacy ERP program, you're missing out. The more outdated these systems become, the more headaches your team will endure. Legacy systems have limited functionality compared to postmodern ERP software, and they are not as adaptable for your growing business. Furthermore, it's increasingly difficult to find certified professionals who can fix your outdated system when it inevitably breaks down. Most importantly, new ERP systems are far more robust, and can save you time and money. 

Whatever industry you're in, chances are there are ERP platforms that are specially suited for your needs. For instance, Microsoft Dynamics NAV is the ERP of choice for manufacturing companies. Postmodern ERP software is modular, meaning enterprises can pick and choose portions that work for them, making it more affordable and effective. 

If you're reading this to replace your outdated legacy system with a newer, more powerful manufacturing business software solution, contact Accent Software. We will walk you through the full process, from planning, to training, to post-implementation.