ERP solutions can help manufacturers embrace energy efficiency

The desire to cut energy costs, in both power and heating, can be a major attraction to manufacturers. However, embracing energy-efficient strategies can be difficult for large, or even medium-sized producers. New technologies are offering startling potential for small, medium and large scale operations to enhance their power and heating processes and start reducing both the cost of energy and their overall carbon footprint.

According to Phys.Org, one of the major issues plaguing manufacturers and other industries when it comes to energy efficiency is cost-efficient technologies. High standards and greenhouse gas emissions regulations can put significant strain on a manufacturer's budget, but new solutions such as plasma high-resistivity heating can help firms utilize their standard industrial furnaces to supply heat for production processes.

Manufacturers alone are responsible for about one-third of the planet's energy consumption, and 36 percent of its carbon emissions, making this demand for efficiency more important than ever before.

However, adapting to these new technologies and ensuring proper management and integration with operations creates other concerns for firms on the back end. Adequate administration and management efforts will be critical for meeting new demands on business accounting systems and other processes. Additional assistance will be needed both for managing financial demand, as well as easing transition efforts — finding a sudden influx of funds, rather than handling a continued drain on resources can be a jarring experience in business administration.

By investing in high-quality manufacturing ERP software, firms can optimize their approach to energy efficiency and ease the transitions to new technology that will help them change how they interact with the environment, save money and boost their brand reputation all at once.