Microsoft Increases Dynamics NAV Capabilities

Microsoft continues to stay at the forefront of enterprise resource planning (ERP) with its recent additions to Dynamics NAV.

According to CIO Today, "the new Dynamics ERP releases are designed to better integrate with Microsoft's Azure cloud Relevant Products/Services platform and Office 365 applications." These amendments follow a trend by Microsoft of frequent software updates, as well as the recent industry movement towards cloud-based ERP platforms.

So why all this activity by Microsoft with their ERP applications? According to the company, "Such updates help us to meet the evolving needs of businesses and organizations in different verticals and different geographies around the world." Microsoft claims that there are more than 375,000 Dynamics customers with over six million users worldwide.

Microsoft's shift in emphasis should be exciting news for manufacturers, with eliminated maintenance costs and greater data accessibility and shareability just some of the advantages of working from the cloud. But how exactly can your manufacturing business benefit from these advancements in manufacturing business software?

Accent Software has more than a decade's worth of experience with Microsoft Dynamics NAV, and has accumulated the expertise and know-how to make sure the implementation and maintenance of your ERP solutions goes as smoothly and effectively as possible.

We have no doubt that our customized plans for upgrading your business data management will make your business processes leaner and more transparent, allowing you to quickly recognize and eliminate any flaws in your system. We also keep our services open to you after installation, making sure your employees are well-trained in the software's upkeep and providing help whenever needed.

If you want to streamline the workflow of your Indiana, Ohio or Kentucky manufacturing business, give us a call at Accent Software.