Microsoft still the top dog in business solutions

If you ask the guy standing outside the Apple store four hours before its doors open to get the latest iPhone, he'll tell you Microsoft is a dying brand of technology. However, talk to any business professional who has the need for reliable applications to help run daily operations, and they'll say Microsoft is still tops. The corporate market is cornered by the Seattle-based tech giant, and as innovation changes the way we do business, Microsoft is only going to maintain its high position.

According to a report from the International Data Corporation (IDC), Microsoft's global market share is 17.1 percent, more than double IBM and Oracle, which landed at 8.5 and 8.1 percent respectively in 2012. Much of this is due to the company's commitment to finding solutions to help businesses grow and improve daily operations.

As big data becomes an increasingly important factor in a company's IT strategy, Microsoft is delivering solutions that help manage and store information. Henry Morris, IDC senior vice president, gave a statement about his organization's findings and shared why he believes Microsoft remains on top of the business software mountain. 

"The management and leveraging of information for competitive advantage is driving growth in markets associated with Big Data and analytics," Morris explained. "Similarly, rapid growth in cloud deployments is fueling growth in application areas associated with social business and customer experience. Both these initiatives require a reliable and secure infrastructure, driving investments in security and system/network management."

Manufacturers and distributors understand the value in solutions such as Microsoft Dynamics NAV because it allows them to conduct pertinent tasks and share information efficiently with one another. Now, as the term cloud computing increases its prominence in business tech lexicon, Microsoft is once again showing its ability to cater to the corporate circle.

Working with a Microsoft business solutions partner will allow companies to obtain the solutions they need to run their operations.